Sunday, November 20, 2011

My foster dog has heart worms!

Jasper was diagnosed with heart worms on 11-10-11
Here is what I am doing for him.

November 11 - November 17
2 drops GINGER on a piece of cheese, morning and night.
1 drop SPICE of LIFE mixed in olive oil on pads of all four feet, At night only.
1 drop RAVENSARA mixed in olive oil rubbed on chest, At night only.

November 19

1 1/2 oz GUINNESS beer - the kind in the picture- (given every 2 weeks. As a preventative give to your dog once a month 1 oz per 25lbs body weight).

I gave it to him at night and he kept us up barking. Next time he will get the beer in the morning!

November 18-24
Break time, from EO's!

November 26-December 2
Gave Jasper Ginger EO on cheese 1-2 a day.
Stopped putting Diatomaceous Earth in food, because he was passing very dry chunks in his stool.

December 4
Gave both Jasper and our other dog Ben, the Guinness Beer. For Ben it is a Preventative.

December 3-11 (forgot to start on the 10th)
Break time from EO's!

December 12-18 (last week of EO's)
1 drop Ginger EO on a piece of cheese.
Diatomaceous Earth in food. 1/2 tsp each meal.

December 19
1 1/2 oz Guinness Beer.

December 19-25
Break from oil!

December 26
EO regiment is officially over!

January 1, 16, 30, February 13, 27.
1 1/2 oz Guinness Beer.

February 27 was the last of the every two weeks for 3 months.

April 1st
Gave Jasper his monthly maintenance 1 1/2 beer.

May 1st

Maintenance 1 1/2 oz.

May 22
Jasper went to live with his new foster family.

July 12th- I just received an update that he was the HW test came back negative! HW- ! I am so excited. The vet is going to retest him in a month and if it is still negative Jasper will be going to a new home back East! Hooray!

Staying healthy during cold and flu season.

How do you stay healthy during cold and flu season? ...Flu shot? That seems to be what many people think will help them avoid the flu. What you may not know is that flu vaccine manufacturers are guessing which flu Virus will be the most common for the upcoming season. Flu vaccines also contain other additives and preservatives that injected directly into you body can be very harmful! Which is why I stay away from flu shots. So what can you do?

I will keep it short for today and just mention what I do...

For nausea, vomiting, diarrhea- I use either DILL oil or EASE oil blend. I mix a drop with a carrier oil and rub in a clockwise direction around the belly button. Inhaling or rubbing the oil on the feet can help, as well.

For fever, I put EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS oil in some DEA SEA SALTS and mix in a quart of water. I then use a wash cloth to apply it to the forehead, neck or even the whole body, depending on how bad it is. (When applying to the body only expose the part of the body you are applying it to, wrap up in a blanket or towel to avoid getting to cold- once oils are on put clothing back on try to keep warm, but not hot!)

For body aches, I usually go to FYSICAL THERA P blend first, then FRANKINCENSE, MARJORAM, PEPPERMINT or BASIL oils.

For sore throats, I do the "TEA TREE lick trick" - which is done by putting 1 drop of TEA TREE oil on the back of your hand and then lick it off. It is done this way to avoid getting to much dropped directly in the mouth and so that the oil isn't rubbed from a finger into an itchy eye.
Do the lick trick every 5 minutes, 5 times.
In addition to the lick trick, I also put 2 drops of KIDS WELLNESS blend on my throat. I put one drop of the blend behind each ear, in the little dent, and drag down to the collar bone. I only do this every few hours, as needed. Starting at the ear will help protect the ear from infection. Many times, it seems, that infection will spread or move this helps protect the ears. If the ear is infected, this is the same thing I would do to get rid of the infection.

I completely avoid sugar, until my throat feels better. Sugar feeds the bacteria and puts your immune system to sleep, making it very hard for your body to fight infection!
A warm cup of water with a drop of PEPPERMINT oil can sooth a sore throat!

TAP oil blends are amazing!

I received my Target Oil pack and I have already used it to ease my back pain. My friend's neck and her mom's back have less pain! I put the Kinnex blend on my husband's sore wrists last night and this morning his wrists have no pain! If you have not tried these oils yet, I highly recommend you do! Contact me if you need help ordering your own Target Pack!

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