Not so long ago my cutie pie girl came home from school complaining that she had a sore throat (not surprising since the school sent home a note saying that someone in the classroom had been diagnosed with strep). In our house a sore throat is immediately dealt with by partaking in the disgusting ritual called... "The Tea Tree Lick"... she practiced this ritual about 4 times the first and second day (I kept her home from school on the second day). At this point I was wiping my brow, because in only two days she seemed to be doing great. The third day, which happened to be Valentine's Day, she went back to school and enjoy the class party consuming much junk food. Sugar is a very powerful sedative. What? That can't be? Well, before bedtime Valentine's night, her immune system had gone to sleep and it was clear that it had been out cold for a few hours, because although her throat was no longer sore, she had a fever and she was covered in pink dots on her tummy and back. I figured out pretty quickly that this was not a gift from cupid and called the wonderful Mother Nurse to find out what the pink dots were. She said, "that sounds like scarlet fever." Wow, scarlet fever, I've never seen that before, but it does sound a bit romantic. It's not. It's itchy and it lasted about a week.
To make this non-romantic, very un-valentine's, fever go away a few oils were called to action.
The first three days she got; SPICE OF LIFE (diluted in Olive oil) on her feet, a couple drops each THYME LINALOOL and JOJOBA rubbed on her back (in a manner similar to an A.I.R. Spinal Reflexology Application), a drop each of ROSE, NEROLI, LAVENDER and PATCHOULI oils mixed with about four drops of JOJOBA oil massaged on her tummy and back - to help her skin not feel itchy (she didn't complain of itching until about 5 days into the rash), two Transfer factor AIM capsules 2 times a day, an ounce of Frequensea, one capsule 2x a day containing ROSEMARY, CINNAMON, THYME LINALOOL, and and at night she got a bath that had ROSEMARY, LAVENDER and EUCALYPTUS RADIATE mixed in DEAD SEA SALTS (she really enjoyed her baths).
The fourth and fifth days she got the Transfer factor AIM, Frequensea,and it was on this day that I read about putting a drop of SANDALWOOD in 1/2 a teaspoon of honey to help the body get rid of strep at the onset. So she did this for two days, I took it with her on the second day, to see what it tasted took awhile to over-ride the gag reflex. The TEA TREE LICK now tastes magically delicious. I reminded both of us that this is like medicine- it's not supposed to taste good - at least it lives up to the reputation! At this time I also switched the SPICE OF LIFE for a very diluted OREGANO. I took a 10ml bottle and filled it about halfway with GRAPE SEED OIL and to it added two (2) drops of OREGANO. OREGANO works great in small doses. I rubbed this mixture on her feet and then blended it with a couple drops of LAVENDER and rubbed it on her back and tummy (my thinking for this is that if any of the infection was in the rash that this would help attack it from this avenue). She also got straight LAVENDER on the itchy spots (which were mostly around her shoulders and neck).
The sixth and seventh day the rash was almost gone as was her itching, we still used a little LAVENDER. She still got Frequensea and Transfer factor AIM and she still requested LAVENDER and DEAD SEA SALT baths.
By day eight the rash was barely noticeable and she felt great!
I know it may sound weird, but it feels like a huge victory for essential oils and immune boosting products that help the body heal, instead of treating this the normal route- which would have been antibiotics (a route I was unhappily willing to a last resort- thankfully it was not needed!)